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latest tourist places in india

One of the world giants in terms of population, exceeding 1 billion inhabitants, Indian territory composed to him only a subcontinent... Suffice to say that the country is vast and varied at the level of the landscape to be discovered. And if you want to book cheap last minute flights to india, then you can grab them from various travel agencies

At the North flows the Ganges, River in the center of Hindu spirituality, which the Valley is one of the most populated regions of the world: Calcutta, New Delhi... Rajasthan, semi-desert region, particularly attracts for its multiple palaces of maharajas, not to mention the world famous Taj Mahal in Agra. To the South, the India is fact greener image of Kerala and its forests. A metropolis to visit on each side: Madras East, Mumbai in the West, not to mention the beaches and the excesses of Goa.

Increasingly in vogue, a trip to India is not an easy task, and can sometimes be challenging for the Western traveler accustomed to a certain level of comfort: crowded metropolises, a misery lasts, a hard, hot and humid climate: it is important to c choose its time to travel. To do this, preferably avoid the monsoon season, when heavy rains hit the country. A trip to India cannot be improvised!

A trip to India

We choose to go in North India and South India, on the coast or on the coast West, climate and the right season to leave are variable: Let's not forget that we have to do in a country-continent! For as exciting travel, in which we dig in a cultural bath completely different, two weeks appear a minimum to go: time to a good tour in the region chosen for his travel, Rajasthan, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, etc... Traveling in India can as well be how backpacker spending three times nothing, but in the most comfortable way, which is of course more expensive.

So many manage to mix their modes of travel (transport, restaurants, directions...), in order to take advantage of the India's varied facets. This particularly applies to accommodation: it is possible to have fun with a night in a luxury hotel, in a real Palace for an unforgettable experience, or tighten its budget to the maximum in the (really) cheap hotels in comfort very basic. Otherwise, the guesthouses are also a good alternative.

To simplify the task, many tourists choose to go through a tour operator in India: the stay included the flight, accommodation, a tour with visits... In short, it is good practice, but these formulas will not work for those who prefer to leave room for improvisation.

To the four corners of the India

The India attracts many travelers who came looking for adventure, discover the mysticism of the many Indian religions, enjoy the luxury of the Maharadja or the natural beauty of the country. You choose how you want to discover the India, you can find many stays or circuits in India: the sea in Kerala or Tamil Nadu, in the footsteps of Maharadjas in Rajasthan, in the foothills of the Himalayas or in the jungle of cities like Delhi or Bombay....

the Rajasthan is one of the most visited regions, discover the magnificence of the palaces and cities of the Maharadja. From Delhi you can go through Jaipur, Pushkar, Jodhpur, Udaipur until ' at the magnificent fortress of Jaisalmer desert. To come out a bit of the beaten in Rajasthan, go to Bundi or Bikaner. the Kerala attracts also many visitors. You can reach it from Mumbai through Goa and Karnataka or from Madras to Tamil Nadu. Discover the landscape of Kerala and enjoy the sea through Mangalore, Mysore, Cochin, Trivandrum....

just as beautiful, but less touristy experience Tamil Nadu. You can enjoy the ocean and visit many cities sacred to the impressive temples. from Madras, through Mahabalipuram, Pondicherry, Chibandaram, Thanjavur, Madurai, before finishing on the sacred island of Rameswaram. from Calcutta, pull up the Ganges Valley and discover the impressive atmosphere and stifling of Varansi (Benares), you can trace it back to the city of Haridwar (it is here that the Ganges River leaves the Himalayas).

From Delhi, you can also go discover Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and why not go back to Ladakh in the North West. Ever since Delhi, visit Chandigarh (many official buildings and a part of the city were built by modern architect Le Corbusier), Shimla, Manali, Dharamsala, Leh.... Off the beaten path, you can go in the least visited regions of India such as Gujarat, Orissa and Assam...